(You probably eagerly checked your inbox every hour, waiting for that first inquiry to show up - and were disappointed that it was *crickets* for weeks or even months).
Do you remember that feeling of excitement when you hit “publish” on your website and launched your wedding business out there into the world?
And that's when you decide to take matters into your own hands...
You did a few weddings for free to build your portfolio, thinking those weddings would help to attract those dreamy clients everyone else seems to be posting on Instagram.
Except the opposite happened...
Instead of booking those high-end weddings (at gorgeous venues with budgets that can support your stellar fee), you just kept attracting more of the same clients you started off with (you know, those jobs you did for free). 👎🏼
And now you’re stuck, and not sure what to do next...
So, if you want clients who...
It’s because you’re not speaking to them.
Yes, I know. You’re marketing your pants off right now–but marketing and client attraction is more than showing up on social media.
You actually need to know what it is your ideal clients want from you–and what your dreamy, high-end clients want from you is NOT the same as the people you’re working with now.
It's the lime juice in this margarita talkin'...
i don't mean to be tart
You’ve worked your butt off to get to where you are — and all it takes to give your business a boost is one more chance to learn how to *really* attract those dreamy clients. 🪄
… then you need to know more about who they are, what they value, and what problems they have so you can *fix* their problems.
Because if you don’t know your dream customer, you can’t attract them.
...but I need to tell you the reason why you’re not bringing in high-end, top-quality clients.
My goal is for you to know your ideal customers like you know your BFF.
*cue the rosemary and vanilla bean infused simple syrup*
(why do they have to make it so complicated??)
(and you know she's as complex as a fancy cocktail recipe from Pinterest!)
The *secret* recipe for wedding pros who want to book high-end clients in the wedding industry
A client attraction formula for wedding planners, photographers, and industry creatives who are ready to upgrade their clients (and stop serving the wrong people).
After launching my website (using Candice's Client Cocktail strategy), I booked three clients within one week (with no prior audience!).
(a good cocktail recipe is all about the QUALITY of the ingredients... and so is this recipe for booking high-end clients in your wedding biz)
cue up to the bar for your client cocktail upgrade
Before you can begin to attract, you have to decide who you *don’t* want to work with. In this training, you’ll say goodbye to the clients who DON’T serve you (and stop wasting your time in email threads that go on forever, or on consultation calls that go nowhere) so you can start calling in those dreamy, high-end customers you're dying to work with. Sayonara, sister!
How To Repel The Wrong People Training
Repellent eBook & Workbook
In this training, you’ll learn my secret formula to attract the clients you want to serve based on their budget, style, and culture. This becomes the basis for your marketing plan, attracting *your* people to reach out and connect with you, so you can book out your calendar with only the best people.
Ideal Client Attraction Formula Training
Attraction eBook & Workbook
Ideal Client Archetypes Menu Cheat Sheet
In this training, you’ll know EXACTLY how to sell to your ideal clients through their wedding personality profiles. This is the secret ingredient to turn someone from a cold lead into a burning hot customer. Using my method, you’ll be signing the contract and clinking glasses with your ideal clients faster than ever before.
Digging Beyond Demographics Training
Selling eBook & Workbook
Inside this
training, you’ll learn how to serve your customers better by understanding their values, desires,
problems, and worries. Consider this the garnish in the drink: the sprig of rosemary to
your gin. This will help us build services, products, and offers that your customers will be begging you to
purchase. It’s how you’ll show up and serve your clients better than any competition–and turn
them into raving fans.
Turning Clients Into Raving Fans Training
Serving eBook & Workbook
You’ve mapped out a killer strategy for calling in your ideal clients. This checklist will help you make changes to your marketing plan, online presence, services, contracts, website - and more!
Bonus 1
Plus these incredible (totally free) bonuses
What if you could get inside your clients’ head and understand better what they *really* want from you? This exclusive masterclass will help you understand your client's problems and identify how you can solve their problems quicker, better, and faster than anyone else. With the tools and exercises I'll teach you inside this training, you will realign your offers, build a better marketing plan, build a better client experience, and sell out your next launch.
Bonus 2
After you learn my techniques to get inside your customers head, I’ve taken the guesswork out of launching a data mining campaign with these FREE swipe files:
Bonus 3
I’m throwing in my *favorite* recipe for making rum punch because after you’ve completed The Client Cocktail, you’re going to need to make a drink to celebrate.
Bonus 4
Get better testimonials with my testimonial template
Launch an audience survey with a few clicks using my survey template
Email templates for launching your survey or asking for testimonials
Instagram story poll starters for quick engagement and feedback from your audience
Contact form template that gives you more data and information about your leads
Hold up — who just became your new mentor?
Before selling my company in 2019 (to focus full-time on mentoring visionary wedding pros like you), my team and I worked with hundreds of clients all over the world, from New York City to Fiji, Vermont to Costa Rica, celebrating moments that mattered in our clients' lives.
I started Jubilee Events with NO experience, NO contacts, and no real training or support. Even so, I signed high-end clients from the very start of my business and produced events in excess of $1,000,000.
I went on to write and publish two books, get featured in countless publications, and build a team that supported my business — while I moved to Barbados and married the man of my dreams.
Oh, and I built my wedding planning and design business, Jubilee Events, from zero to six-figures in the first 2 years.
I've been in the trenches, where you've been. I've bustled hundreds of dresses, laid down linens, kept the crazy under control, and busted my ass to build a successful business I was proud of.
My goal is to help you to achieve the same level of success in your business that I've been so fortunate to have in mine.
Now, I’m committed to helping business owners, like you, build a profitable business with purpose.
Want to know how I knew the first wedding you did was for free? Because that’s how I started. It’s how we all start.
But you don’t have to continue working with clients who don’t pay your bills or fill up your creative cocktail cup.
In fact, I learned early on in my career what I needed to do in order to attract the right clients. And I’m about to teach you the exact formula I used throughout my career to sign on high-end wedding clients for over a decade...
You deserve to have wedding couples who value the work you do and are willing to pay top dollar for it. In fact, you could be booking them right now— you just need a little guidance and a trusted mentor to show you the way.
I want to teach you how to understand who your ideal clients are, and once you know more about them, you can start speaking to them directly.
In just one weekend you can learn The Client Cocktail formula and implement this framework into your wedding business.
It's a quick, easy-to-digest program that gets right to the juicy information you *need* to upgrade your clients. I know you're going to be blown away by the content and strategy–which is why I can confidently offer a 100% money back guarantee within 10 days of purchase. If you're not *completely* satisfied with The Client Cocktail, we'll refund you your money. It's that simple.
"I've started attracting the very people I want to work with almost overnight. I have a much clearer idea of where I want to go and how I'm going to get there."
less than ideal locations
that have a shit ton of headaches and BS…
with clients who can barely afford the wedding they’re having…
so they ask their aunt to do the flowers (and btw, they look like shit)
and they’re begging for discounts like you’re a charity…
With all the time and money you’ve invested in your business, you deserve to be attracting the *right* clients who value your work and have enough cold, hard cash to pay for your expertise.
But if you’re going to continue to say yes to weddings at…
Then you’re going to keep attracting those same clients.
Shitty clients are like magnets for more shitty clients.
Round and around we go— in a cycle of less than ideal customers whose weddings in your portfolio attract the same kinds of customers. Over and over again.
Here’s the good news. You can make a change right now and start saying NO to work you don’t want to do anymore... and instead, say yes to upgrading your clients.
Turning Clients Into Raving Fans Training ($99 value)
Selling To Unique Wedding Personalities Training ($127 value)
Wedding Client Attraction Formula Training ($99 value)
How To Repel The Wrong People Training ($99 value)
The Client Cocktail eBook & Workbooks ($199 value)
Ideal Client Archetypes Menu ($127 value)
BONUS: Client BFF Masterclass - How To Get Into Your Ideal Client's Head ($300 value)
BONUS: Implementation Checklist ($99 value)
BONUS: The Worlds *BEST* Rum Punch Recipe (priceless)
BONUS: Data Mining Swipe Files ($199 value)
Total Value = $1,348
Normal Price = $199
Today's Price = $47
Every type of wedding-related businesses. If you're a wedding pro, then The Client Cocktail was created for *you.*
Frequently Asked Questions About The Client Cocktail
If you implement the strategies inside The Client Cocktail, I guarantee you'll see IMMEDIATE results. Yes–results right away *pinky swear*
This is a go at your own pace training–so as much time as you want! On average, the training videos are ~10 minutes (we give it to you straight–with no chaser).
You will! Within five minutes after purchase, you'll receive your login information and boom–you're ready to go!
Yes, you absolutely need this. I wish this was around when I started. Do yourself a favor and fast track your success by skipping the biggest mistake wedding pros make–not knowing their ideal clients.
Do you want to upgrade your clients? If yes, then you definitely do. The Client Cocktail was created for wedding pros at EVERY stage.
Yes ma'am. It's only $47! I wanted to make it affordable and accessible to EVERY wedding pro, despite their circumstance.
Listen sister, would I lie? This rum punch recipe was born in the same place as Rihanna. Need I say more?
Pull up a seat at the bar...
I see you out there busting your butt to build and grow your wedding business. In fact, I consider you to be the ultimate risk-taker…
You started your business because you had an a-ha moment (like when Sarah Blakely from Spanx realized pantyhose wasn't doing the job of shaping her lumps and bumps.)
Your business exists today because you wanted more out of your life and career–and you were NOT about to settle for some windowless office job, lining someone else's pockets.
The kind of risks YOU take don't come easy. They require confidence, grit, and hard work. All of which, btw, you've got.
To say you've worked hard to get where you are is an understatement. You've put in the time–between online education, Googling #allthethings, networking your tail off, and figuring it out as you go along.
Here's the tea: most people don't get as far as you've gotten. How's that? Because most people don't take the risk of starting their own business.
You know the ones, getting married at your dream venues and who have a budget to afford *ALL* the trimmings. The kind of clients who value your work and your expertise because they KNOW they hired the best.
And have weddings so dang pretty, magazines are calling YOU to feature it.
You’ve landed here because you’re got big dreams and goals–but you need some help making them come to life. Why do business alone when you can use my shortcuts to get to where you want to go–better, quicker, and faster?
If you’re *still* reading this, I know you’re feeling called to make some changes in your business (you’re our risk-taker, after all). Whenever I’m thinking about making a change or an investment in my business, I ask myself - what would life be like for me in one, three, or even six months from now if I decided to make a change?
I want to ask that same question of you.
If you can take that creativity and focus you’ve stirred into your business up until this point and pour your time into discovering the ingredients of your ideal client — you’ll be sticking around to play the long game with more profits and a portfolio of work that attracts *more* ideal clients.
Just know that you’ve *got* this, and I’m here to support you in growing a profitable wedding business with purpose.
And that's why you're the ultimate risk-taker. There's nothing you can't learn, figure out, or do. Your business is living proof of that.
But you can’t keep working at the pace you’re working, and attracting clients who don’t value your services or your price. There’s no more room in your schedule for consultations that go nowhere, or email back-and-forths that end in: can you give us a discount?
Or worse, just getting ghosted all together.
You deserve to be booked out with the best customers–the kind of people you’ve dreamed of working with since you started this biz.
Alex Baillie-David
I have referred several other planners to the Client Cocktail and I always tell them it's so useful. We all talk about how we keep attracting low-budget or difficult clients and so I knew that they also need this training.
Dilshad Yogi-Smith
Seriously just BUY IT! It's jam packed with SO much valuable information, but presented in a fun way that's bite sized and crazy informative. It's not another 'scary course' to get through!
The *secret* recipe for wedding pros who want to book high-end clients in the wedding industry
A client attraction formula for wedding planners, photographers, and industry creatives who are ready to upgrade their clients (and stop serving the wrong people).
[I also] gained confidence in who to serve and how, narrowed down my ideal clients. I'm excited to serve those people.
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